Trending Recipe Ideas This Summer

Helloooooo, summer and sunshine and never-ending pool days! ☀️

Well, almost. Here in the Northern hemisphere, summer doesn’t officially start until June 21st, but we are already embracing the summer spirit. Chances are your readers are too!

And if you’re trying to brainstorm some fresh new recipes to share on your blog or social media, we’ve got you covered. In this post, we’re sharing a roundup of trending recipe ideas this summer to help give you some inspiration for your upcoming content calendar!

We’ve compiled a list of summer recipe ideas that might give you a boost of traffic every summer after you post them (provided it’s a high-quality post!). This post isn’t about viral TikTok recipes (cottage cheese ice cream anyone?), but rather ingredients and recipe ideas that consistently perform well this time of year.

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5 Ways to Find Brands for Pitching

As a food content creator, one of the most popular ways to grow your income is through working with brands. While brands do reach out to individual content creators, sometimes it’s best to be proactive and pitch to brands. However, crafting the perfect pitch is meaningless until you identify the right brands to collaborate with. The process of finding brands to reach out to involves researching, networking, and thinking strategically! 

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Our Favorite Food Sharing Sites (2024)

Do you submit your blog recipes to food sharing sites? These recipe aggregator sites help recipe creators by amplifying their content to new audiences and driving traffic back to their blogs.

As a recipe creator, you can submit your recipes to these food sharing sites, and then these sites will display and feature those recipes. These food sharing sites are all a little different, but submitting your content to them can be part of an effective traffic-building strategy, especially when you’re just starting out.

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Trending Recipe Ideas This Spring

Snow is melting, days are getting longer, and spring is in the air! While we love the holidays and cozy winter foods, you can’t deny the excitement that spring weather brings. Not to mention all of the fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are coming into season. It’s a great time of year to be a food blogger!

If you’re brainstorming content for the next few months of spring, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite foods trending this spring.

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Structuring the Perfect Recipe Blog Post

Have you ever wondered if there is a perfect framework for a recipe blog post for SEO? Well, the answer is… yes and no. 😅 In this post we’re going to break down the “must haves” for every recipe blog post, including some “nice to haves,” as well as a recommendation for creating your own recipe blog post template.

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Writing for a Niche & Adding in Non-Recipe Content

Once you’ve chosen a niche for your food blog it’s time for the fun part — creating content for it! Hopefully, you have a long list of recipe ideas that you can create within your niche, but is there a strategy for writing within a niche? And should you consider writing some non-recipe content to round out your coverage of that topic? So glad you asked!

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